12 Days of Healing – Day 3

Once we know and acknowledge our worth, we must begin to communicate it to others in a healthy manner. Do you set standards for your relationships? Do you set boundaries? Are you prepared to walk away from situations and people that don’t serve you?

Communicating your worth is a key part of building healthy relationships. It does not mean boasting about yourself, it simply means acknowledging your desire to be respected and appreciated. With friends, acquaintances, family, and lovers, we have to be clear about how we would like to be treated. Once you express your expectations, people will either rise to your expectations or they will not. If you find that a person is unwilling to value you and treat you with care and respect, then you must be prepared to disengage with that person on a personal level.

What you may find when you are clear about your expectations, is that people are surprisingly willing to rise to them! For those that don’t, it will be clear that they do not have a positive role to play in your life, and it will become easier to disengage as you realize that it’s for the betterment of your life.

Day 3 Goal: Going forward, make an effort to set clear expectations for how you would like to be treated in your new relationships. For existing relationships, address issues head on as they arise and be clear about where/how you feel undervalued. If you do not see a positive change in your relationships, start re-evaluating the need for them.

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